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بطاريات AM تشرك مع شركة Zeon لإنتاج بطاريات صديقة للبيئة

في خطوة يمكن أن تقلب صناعة إنتاج البطاريات رأسًا على عقب، تعاونت AM Batteries مع شركة Zeon Corporation الموجودة في طوكيو لتعزيز كفاءة تصنيع الكهرباء الجافة للبطارية. يركز هذا الشراكة الاستراتيجية على استغلال تقنيات AM Batteries الرائدة في تقنيات الكهرباء الجافة بنظام الليثيوم-أيون إلى جانب مادة رابطة فريدة ومبتكرة طورتها Zeon. أظهرت Zeon، من خلال…
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Gaza Tragedy: Little Girl’s Phone Call Echos Civilian Plight

In a harrowing incident on January 29th, a young girl named Hind Rajab found herself in a dire situation, holding onto a cell phone as her only connection to safety. In the backseat of a car parked at a gas station in Gaza City, the frightened six-year-old was caught in a grave circumstance surrounded by…
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Exploring Public Attitudes Towards AI in Broadcast Media

At the renowned NAB Show, visitors packed the room to witness a unique presentation blending human intelligence with artificial intelligence. The CEO of Futuri, Daniel Anstandig, took the stage not only with human colleagues but also with an engaging, autonomous humanoid robot named Ameca, sparking lively banter and interactions that underscored the message: AI’s influence…
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Elon Musk Introduces Fee for New Users to Combat Fake Accounts

In a bold move to combat the spread of fake accounts and bots, the head honcho of the popular social media platform formerly known as Twitter, Elon Musk, has announced a plan to implement a fee for all new users wishing to engage on the site. With the aim of curbing the influx of inauthentic…
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Commodore 64 Outpaces IBM’s Quantum Computer in Simulation

In a surprising twist of technological irony, a research report from the SIGBOVIK 2024 conference reveals that a classic Commodore 64 outperformed IBM’s advanced quantum computer in simulations. Despite a massive age and technology gap, the 40-year-old computer, nicknamed the ‘Qommodore 64,’ reportedly delivered faster and more energy-efficient results than the IBM quantum counterpart equipped…
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Global Report Reveals a Climate Commitment Shortfall

Researchers at University College London have unveiled stark findings in the arena of global climate action. Predicating their evaluations on promises made at the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Summit, an analysis of 34 nations reveals a concerning snapshot: a majority have not fully lived up to their pledges to slash carbon emissions by 2020. This study…
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Nepal’s Bold Vision for Energy: Surplus Power by 2029

In a remarkable stride towards energy self-sufficiency, Nepal is on the brink of a power production breakthrough, aiming to increase its electricity generation to an impressive 20,000 megawatts by the end of 2029. This ambitious goal is set to not only meet the nation’s energy demands but also generate a significant surplus, particularly during the…
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Innovative Energy Storage Project Activated by NHOA Energy in Taiwan

In a move towards sustainable energy utilization, NHOA Energy has brought a massive 120 megawatt hour (MWh) energy storage system online for Taiwan Cement Group (TCC Group) in Yilan County, marking a significant advancement in the region’s energy capabilities. This development is part of NHOA Energy’s expansive portfolio in the Asia-Pacific, which includes over 550MWh…
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Feathers of Steel: The Dramatic Evolution of Air Supremacy

In the high-stakes theater of aerial combat, whispers and shadows reign supreme. Pioneers like the F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning II have crafted an era of warcraft where invisibility is the sharpest blade. Even for such giants, time ushers in change; the F-22 ages gracefully towards an honored retirement, making way for the looming…
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Japan’s Quantum Future: A New Horizon for UK Tech Collaboration

As Japan ventures into the quantum computing arena, it commits substantial resources to foster advancements in commercial sectors like chemistry, financial services, and logistics through technological collaboration with international partners. This strategic move, detailed in a new report from the business development consultancy Intralink, reveals an exciting frontier for UK tech companies capable of contributing…
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